Take a break

 (You can see how small it is in this picture- the whole town of Ballycastle is situated on that hill)

Sometimes when you find that life is rushing by and you're doing things 110 mph and forge how to relax a little break away is in order-and for me this break came in the form of a remote town BallyCastle. I used to visit all the time when I was a child but after the summer of 2006 we just stopped. I've always wanted to go back but my family were never keen until my sister asked last week did I want to go for a drive somewhere and of course my first suggestion was BallyCastle. As I expected she took a little persuasion but we got there in the end. I endured a 90 minute drive through the little country roads but when I caught the first glimpse of the sea from the car I couldn't stop a little squeal escaping and turns out my 25 year old sister was just as excited as I was. BallyCastle is so small and quaint that it only takes around 40 minutes to get from one side of the town to the other. It was nice to be a child again for just one day and play in the old park I used to play in when I was little and chill on the beach and dig in the sand and just relax.

Do you have one place that you go to escape when life gets too much?


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